27 Jan 2025
FT completes Peat Landslides Study
Fehily Timoney and Company carried out research and prepared the reports for an important joint project between Geological Society Ireland (DECC) and National Parks and Wildlife Service (DHLGH). FT undertook an in-depth review of three major peatland landslides which occurred in 2020, Meenbog (Donegal), Shass Mountain (Leitrim) and Mount Eagle (Kerry).
The study focused on both the contributory and triggering factors present in each of the landslides from a geotechnical, hydrological, hydrogeological and ecological point of view. FT then looked at the potential for a review of the GSI National Landslide Susceptibility Map, land-use for peatlands and further work which might be undertaken to better understand these events and allow better prediction of high risk areas.
The completed reports are available on the GSI website.
For more about FT’s Geotechnical experience click here.