Alternative Fuel Feasibility Study

Environment & Climate Change

Location: East Border Region of the Republic of Ireland and Norther Ireland
Client: Ards and North Down Borough Council, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Louth County Council, Monaghan County Council and Newry and Mourne District Council
Status: Complete
Overall Project Value: Confidential
Start Date: May 2023
End Date: November 2023

Brief Description

Fehily Timoney and Company Ltd (FT) were responsible for producing A Feasibility Study on the Adoption of Alternative Fuel Vehicles for Local Authorities for several East Border Region local authorities.

The overall purpose of the study was to identify viable low and no carbon vehicle fleet options for each participating local authority’s vehicle fleet – in order to support each organisations transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

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FT Responsibilities

The study involved in-depth analysis of each local authorities vehicle fleet operations, analysis of alternative fuel sectors, an extensive programme of industry and stakeholder engagement, and several knowledge awareness site visits and workshops.

The insights, knowledge and information gained during the study facilitated the carrying out alternative fuel option analysis to identify preferred alternative fuel solutions for each local authority. A feasibility study report was produced to document the study process and conclusions and recommendations. Draft Strategic Roadmaps outlining the way forward for each local authority in relation to their alternative fuel transition were then developed.

FT presented on the results and recommendations of the study at a launch and fielded a Q and A session afterwards. The launch was attended by representatives from each participating local authority, the East Border Region group and the Belfast Met.

Project Statistics

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Alternative fuels vehicle case studies were examined

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Knowledge awareness visits/workshops carried out

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Industry experts and stakeholders consulted

Available positionsAll Careers

Position Sector Location
Associate Director Environmental Scientist Environment & Climate Change Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Scientist – Climate Change Environment & Climate Change Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Principal Environmental Scientist Environment & Climate Change Cork, Dublin or Carlow