Coom Green Energy Park (Geotechnical)
Brief Description
Fehily Timoney and Company Ltd (FT) were appointed to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) on behalf of Coom Green Energy Park Limited, a JV partnership between Brookfield Renewables Ireland and Coillte. The EIAR was part of a submission to An Bord Pleanála for planning permission to construct a 105MW wind farm development comprising up to 22 no. turbines, up to 2 no. electrical substations, a battery storage, related civil and electrical infrastructure, borrow pits, turbine delivery and grid connection routes, and replant lands.
Members of FT’s geotechnical team undertook the Land, Soils and Geology Chapter of the EIAR to examine the potential impacts of the development on the existing geological and hydrogeological environment.
As part of this assessment a detailed desk study, intrusive and non-intrusive site investigations, and site reconnaissance were completed to determine baseline conditions of the receiving environment. To further inform the EIAR, a comprehensive geotechnical assessment was also completed to assess the site’s slope stability. Results from these assessments were used to determine potential impacts the development would have on the receiving environment during the construction, operational and decommissioning phases. In order to reduce or avoid potential impacts caused by the proposed development an exhaustive list of appropriate mitigation measures based on design and best practice were devised and will be incorporated into the design and implementation of the development.
FT Responsibilities
FT were responsible for carrying out a series of site reconnaissance and peat probing surveys during June and August 2019 and also during August 2020. The surveys were used to assess the site’s geology and geomorphology, and enabled determination of potential geotechnical constraints likely to influence the development of the proposed wind farm.
Project Statistics
No. trial pits and 3 No. boreholes completed
No. turbines, 3 No. borrow pits, 2 No. substations
3,100-line metres
Geophysical Survey completed (ERT & Seismics)