Coom Green Energy Park


Location: Co. Cork
Client: Ørsted
Status: Complete
Overall Project Value: Confidential
Start Date: February 2018
End Date: November 2023

Brief Description

Coom Green Energy Park is a large-scale onshore wind and battery energy storage development in Co. Cork comprising 22 wind turbines with a total installed capacity of up to 120 MW.

The main site is located approximately 12km south east of Mallow, and approximately 5km south west of Ballyhooly, County Cork near the Nagle Mountains.

The project includes a 110kV underground grid connection route connecting the wind farm to the national grid at Barrymore substation near Rathcormac in Co. Cork.

In December 2020 a planning application was submitted to An Bord Pleanála for development consent of the project. The proposed grid connection to the national grid was considered as part of the overall project in the EIAR but does not form part of the application for consent.

In March 2022 significant further information was submitted to An Bord Pleanála and permission was granted with conditions in November 2023.

The project in its entirety comprises the following key elements:

  • Erection of up to 22 no. wind turbines with a tip height of up to 169m;
  • Construction of turbine foundations and crane pad hardstanding areas;
  • Construction of site tracks and associated drainage infrastructure;
  • Upgrading of existing tracks and associated drainage infrastructure;
  • Borrow pits and associated ancillary infrastructure.
  • Construction of up to 2 no. onsite electrical substations and associated compounds;
  • Battery storage units and associated compound;
  • Temporary accommodation works associated with the Turbine Delivery Routes to facilitate the delivery of turbine components;
  • Temporary construction site compounds and associated ancillary infrastructure including parking;
  • Tree felling and associated replanting;
  • Installation of medium and high voltage underground electrical cabling, communication cables and associated infrastructure;
  • Erection of 2 no. permanent meteorological masts.

In addition to the above works, biodiversity lands have been identified and shall be managed throughout the life of the proposed development under a Conservation and Habitat Management Plan.

Project Profile Coom Green Energy Park

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FT Responsibilities

FT were appointed by Ørsted and FuturEnergy Ireland as lead EIA Consultants for the project responsible for delivering the Environmental Impact Assessment Report as part of the submission for development consent.

As well as having responsibility for developing the EIAR, FT had responsibility for managing planning and consenting process associated with all elements of the project.In addition, FT were also responsible for the preparation of all aspects of the project’s infrastructure design which included the main wind farm site layout, turbine delivery route accommodation works and grid connection. FT acted as PSDP for the project, and procured and managed all site investigation works.

FT also provided community engagement support to the Client as part of the technical and community consultation process.

In December 2023 in an energy news publication Ørsted stated:

“the project represents both Ørsted and FuturEnergy Ireland‘s largest onshore wind farm to date on the island of Ireland”.

Project Statistics

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No. wind turbines

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Tip height of wind turbine

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No. onsite electrical substations

Available positionsAll Careers

Position Sector Location
Principal Energy Engineer Energy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Project Energy Engineer Energy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Project Environmental Scientist Energy Cork, Dublin, Carlow
Senior Energy Engineer Energy Cork, Dublin or Carlow