Dunkettle Active Travel

Sustainable Infrastructure

Location: Dunkettle, Co. Cork
Client: Cork County Council
Status: Active
Overall Project Value: €14,000,000 (Estimated construction value)
Start Date: November 2022
End Date: April 2026

Brief Description

The development of an Active Travel Route from Tivoli to Little Island is being proposed by Cork County Council in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland. The proposed Dunkettle Active Travel (DAT) project has the potential to form part of a wider network of active travel provision on the eastern side of Cork city with the potential to connect with other planned active travel schemes such as Glanmire to City Centre Cycle Route (Phases 1 and 2) and active travel facilities provided as part of the Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade Scheme. The DAT project will also interface with a new planned eastern access to the Tivoli docklands site, and may potentially connect to active travel facilities proposed as part of the Tivoli scheme at a future date.

The aim of the DAT scheme is to encourage modal shift to sustainable forms of transport between City Centre/Tivoli and Little Island area by providing a safe and segregated link for cyclists and pedestrians, allowing improved transport efficiency and connectivity while minimising impacts to the natural assets and biodiversity of the area. The project is being delivered in the environmentally sensitive surroundings of the Cork Harbour Special Protected Area which is an internationally important wetland site.

Dunkettle Active Travel Study Area

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FT Responsibilities

Fehily Timoney and Company have been appointed to deliver the scheme through TII Phase 0 to 4. The DAT scheme is being developed in accordance with the TII Project Management Guidelines, TII Project Appraisal Guidelines and the DoT Transport Appraisal Framework.

Project Statistics

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Approximate length

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Active travel investment

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Environmentally sensitive development

Available positionsAll Careers

Position Sector Location
Project Engineer Highways Active Travel Sustainable Infrastructure Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Project Engineer Highways Active Travel Sustainable Infrastructure Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Associate Director – Highways and Active Travel Sustainable Infrastructure Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Graduate Civil/Structural Design Engineer Sustainable Infrastructure Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Principal Structural Design Engineer Sustainable Infrastructure Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Principal Project Manager – Highways Sustainable Infrastructure Cork, Dublin or Carlow