Galway Wind Park
Brief Description
Galway Wind Park (GWP) comprises four separately consented wind farms namely Uggool, Lettercraffroe, Cloosh and Seecon and associated permitted infrastructure including substations, turbine delivery route, the West Galway substation, permanent met masts, borrow pits and access tracks. The maximum export capacity (MEC) of the overall development is c. 169 MW. The overall GWP project is being advanced and led principally by SSE Renewables who have responsibility for the refinement, construction and operation of the wind park.
When constructed, the 169 MW Galway Wind Park (69 turbines consented, with 60 being Constructed initially) will be the largest onshore wind project in Ireland.
FT Responsibilities
FT was responsible for the detailed design of the following elements:
- Detailed design of all access roads, including the horizontal and vertical alignments, the geotechnical make-up of the various road types and the detailed drainage of the access tracks.
- Detailed design of the Cable route and accompanying construction details.
- Detailed geotechnical design of the hardstand and turbine sub-formations.
- Detailed design of the borrow pits and material deposition areas.
- Detailed design of the culvert crossings including section 50s.
- Structural design of a number of watercourse crossings and met mast foundations.
- Provision of Design Basis Statements for all design aspects of the work.
- Provision of site support in the form of a drainage and geotechnical clerk of works
Project Statistics

69 turbines are permitted

169MW Galway Wind Park

4 wind farms in total