In-situ Acoustic Measurements of Noise Barriers

Environment & Climate Change

Location: Nationwide
Client: Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Status: Complete
Overall Project Value: Confidential
Start Date: May 2018
End Date: August 2023

Brief Description

Fehily Timoney and Company Ltd (FT) were appointed by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to undertake in-situ testing of reflective and absorptive noise barriers on the Irish road network, over a five year period.

A programme of noise barrier tests was successfully delivered by FT, along with our partners Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) between 2018 and 2023. Measurements were undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the standard series EN 1793 Road Traffic Noise Reducing Devices — Test Method for Determining the Acoustic Performance.

Testing was undertaken to determine the in-situ intrinsic characteristics of sound reflection and airborne sound insulation of noise barriers on the Irish road network and assess if the barriers meet their long term durability requirements.

Sound insulation performance was measured in accordance with EN 1793-6:2018 for all barriers. In addition, sound reflection performance was measured in accordance with EN 1793-5:2016 for the absorptive barriers.

A scientific paper on the findings of the five-year project has been prepared by FT and AIT, and has recently been accepted for presentation at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) European event to be held in in Dublin in April 2024.

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FT Responsibilities

FT were responsible for carrying out in-situ acoustic measurements to assess the intrinsic characteristics of sound reflection and airborne sound insulation of noise barriers under direct sound field conditions on roads throughout Ireland.

Measurements were carried out over a five-year monitoring programme. Sound insulation measurements were carried out in accordance with standard EN 1793-6:2018 for 100 noise barriers, and sound reflection performance measurements in accordance with EN 1793-5:2016 for 31 absorptive barriers. Measurements were undertaken by FT using a loudspeaker unit (source), custom built 3×3 microphone array (measurement grid) and specialised software programme.

FT liaised with various road operators and public bodies to deliver the monitoring programme safely, with traffic management procedures and strict health and safety measures implemented during the roadside acoustic measurements.

Project Statistics

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Barriers tested

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No. of Motorways

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Year Programme

Available positionsAll Careers

Position Sector Location
Associate Director Environmental Scientist Environment & Climate Change Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Scientist – Climate Change Environment & Climate Change Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Principal Environmental Scientist Environment & Climate Change Cork, Dublin or Carlow