
FT is one of Ireland's foremost ecology consultancies with extensive and expert experience across all aspects of ecology including coastal, freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecology.

FT provides ecology consultancy services to both the public and private sector. FT provides this service inhouse on all our projects and externally directly to our clients as a bespoke service offering. Our experience extends from renewable energy projects (both onshore and offshore), residential and commercial development, large scale infrastructure projects such as roads and greenways and electrical infrastructure.

Ecology Services provided:

  • Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
  • Appropriate Assessments
  • Habitat surveys and mapping
  • Protected species surveys
  • Biodiversity Enhancement Management Plan
  • Biodiversity Net Gain assessments
  • Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
  • Ornithology Surveys

Through working across a number of development sectors, our Ecology and Ecology Survey teams can scope and design appropriate surveys for our clients’ projects which are robust and proportionate to the receiving environment and the scale of development proposed.

Sector Statistics

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20 number of sites that FT are currently providing Ornithology surveys to our clients across Ireland

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35 No. of Bat Detector boxes inhouse

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Management plan prepared for Dunkettle interchange road scheme for 21 Invasive species.


FT is recruiting the following roles to join the Ecology Team:

Position Sector Location
Principal Ecologist Ecology Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Ecologist Ecology Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Ecologist – Bat Specialist Ecology Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Ecologist – Botanist Specialist Ecology Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Project Ecologist Ecology Cork, Dublin, Carlow

Why join FT

“I’m glad to have completed an engineering internship with FT. The breadth of experience gained, mentorship received and company culture made it a very rewarding experience.”

Dylan Whelan

Engineering Intern
Why join FT

Why join FT

“The opportunities and experience I have gained from working as part of the FT team has encouraged and very much supported my growth as a Geotechnical Engineer.”

Emily Archer

Senior Project Geotechnical Engineer
Why join FT

Why join FT

“As a Principal Engineer I have worked on major projects both nationally and internationally. I would highly recommend FT as a company working on best-in-class projects in an organisation where your impact is noticed and rewarded.”

James O'Neill

Principal Engineer
Why join FT

Why join FT

“Since joining FT in 2019 I have very rapidly and significantly expanded on my previous knowledge and experience. Working within a highly skilled and confident multidisciplinary team of experts has undoubtedly been a major positive of my experience in FT to date.”

Eoin O'Connor

Project Scientist
Why join FT