
FT specialises in and is recognised as one of the leading waste and resource management consultancies in waste prevention, minimisation, recycling, energy recovery and residual disposal in Ireland. FT provides consultancy services to both public and private clients in the solid waste, bio-waste and sludge management sectors.
Download our Construction Support Services brochure.
Download our Licence & Consent Applications brochure.

FT’s waste and resource management team specialise in the delivery of complex projects for our public and private clients both in Ireland, UK, UAE and KSA.  FT clients include government departments, local, regional, national authorities, state bodies, private waste management companies, civil contractors, developers and international financial institutions.

The FT team offer a turn key service from site selection, feasibility studies, options appraisals and financial assessments, through planning and licensing, detailed design, procurement, contract administration, construction supervision, handover and operation and maintenance of:

  • Advanced Thermal Treatment Technologies
  • Biological Treatment Facilities (Aerobic and Anaerobic)
  • Civic Amenity Sites
  • Energy from Waste Facilities

  • Engineering Landfills
  • Environmental Data Management
  • Landfill Capping
  • Landfill Gas Management
  • Landfill Remediation and Aftercare

  • Leachate Treatment
  • Materials Recycling Facilities
  • Mechanical Biological Treatment
  • Sludge Treatment and Biosolid Management
  • Waste Transfer Stations

From conceptual design, through tender design to detailed construction design, FT’s specialised team of scientists and environmental engineers can deliver high quality engineering design of waste treatment infrastructure. FT’s provides complete consultancy services from site selection and feasibility studies, through to planning, detailed design, tendering, contract administration, construction supervision and handover.

Waste Services provided:

  • Animal By-Products Approval
  • CAPEX/OPEX Options Appraisals
  • Contract Supervision and Administration
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
  • Facility Design and Procurement
  • HazWaste Online Assessments
  • Historic Landfill Risk Assessments and Remediation Design
  • Waste Characterisation and Biogenic studies
  • Waste Permits/Licences and Industrial Emissions Application and Compliance

Sector Statistics

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Preparation of 50+ Tier 2/3 assessment reports and the design of remedial measures for Local Authority Historic Landfills.

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Option Appraisals for 20+ Household Waste Recycling Centres, Resource Recovery Facilities and Transfer stations in Wales and England.

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Preparation of an EIAR and SID Planning Application, Appropriate Screening Report and NIS for Knockharley Landfill for intensification of landfilling activities, acceptance of Incineration Bottom Ash, design of Biowaste treatment facility and leachate treatment plant.


FT is recruiting the following positions in the Circular Economy Team:

Position Sector Location
Associate Director – Civil and Environmental Engineering Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Engineer – Circular Economy Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Environmental Engineer Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Environmental Scientist Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow

Why join FT

“I’m glad to have completed an engineering internship with FT. The breadth of experience gained, mentorship received and company culture made it a very rewarding experience.”

Dylan Whelan

Engineering Intern
Why join FT

Why join FT

“The opportunities and experience I have gained from working as part of the FT team has encouraged and very much supported my growth as a Geotechnical Engineer.”

Emily Archer

Senior Project Geotechnical Engineer
Why join FT

Why join FT

“As a Principal Engineer I have worked on major projects both nationally and internationally. I would highly recommend FT as a company working on best-in-class projects in an organisation where your impact is noticed and rewarded.”

James O'Neill

Principal Engineer
Why join FT

Why join FT

“Since joining FT in 2019 I have very rapidly and significantly expanded on my previous knowledge and experience. Working within a highly skilled and confident multidisciplinary team of experts has undoubtedly been a major positive of my experience in FT to date.”

Eoin O'Connor

Project Scientist
Why join FT