Waste Characterisation Surveys

Circular Economy

Location: Various
Client: Various
Status: Ongoing
Overall Project Value: Confidential

Brief Description

Fehily Timoney and Company Ltd (FT) provides a range of services with waste characterisation services. FT have extensive experience in undertaking REPAK Waste Packaging Studies in line with REPAK Standard Operating Procedures. FT have also provided national level waste studies on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency and Tadweer (Abu Dhabi). Our experience includes the design of statistically representative sampling plans and waste characterisation methodologies. We have also experience in undertaking waste characterisation analysis for the design of Materials Recovery Facilities and the confirmation of plant Guaranteed Operational Parameters as part of wet commissioning trials.

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Project Statistics

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years experience in Waste Characterisation Survey works

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countries within which we have undertaken Waste Characterisation Surveys

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+10 tonnes

waste materials sorted in 2023

Available positionsAll Careers

Position Sector Location
Senior Environmental Engineer Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Engineer – Circular Economy Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Associate Director – Civil and Environmental Engineering Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Environmental Scientist Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Project Environmental Scientist Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow