WasteSavers Newport Recycling Depot Design and Construction

Circular Economy

Location: Newport, Wales, UK
Client: WasteSavers
Status: Completed
Overall Project Value: £650,000+
Start Date: January 2016
End Date: September 2017

Brief Description

WasteSavers are a charitable trust who run kerbside recycling services for Newport in partnership with Newport City Council. WasteSavers operate commercial recycling services for more than 300 businesses. WasteSavers currently operate all their domestic and commercial collection operations through their recycling depot at Esperanto Way.

The Wastesavers recycling depot was constructed on the site in the early 2000s. Prior to its development as a recycling depot, the site was open land servicing adjacent industrial processes as an area of slag/refuse deposition. The site also served as a railway track route servicing the Orb Iron Works (now Orb Electrical Steels). With the support of WRAP Wales, WasteSavers sought to develop and extend the existing site to increase its overall through put and allow greater operational scope.

The extended development comprised of additional new buildings, storage and parking and circulation areas including:

  • New building for food waste and paper storage, bulking and transfer
  • Extension to existing building to allow for recovered cardboard, plastic bottles and cans: storage, offloading and processing
  • Extension to the Existing Yard Area for HGV traffic movement
  • New Car Parking area including 19 no. additional staff car parking spaces
  • Installation of New Materials Recovery processing infrastructure including materials separation line and baling equipment


FT was appointed by WRAP Wales in conjunction with Resource Futures Bristol to provide engineering support to the development of the site from planning stage through to construction handover.


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FT Responsibilities

FT services included:

  • Detailed structural design of all buildings including structural frames, push walls, ground beams and piling.
  • Detailed drainage design including foul, storm water, attenuation and interceptors.
  • Undertake the role of Principal Designer including preparation of Pre-Construction Information Plan
  • Management of Civil and M&E contractor interface arrangement; separate contracts
  • Preparation of all Contract documentation, procurement and administration – CESMM 3 and NEC Option B
  • Contract Administration in accordance with NEC Option B
  • Fortnightly site visits and coordination of Building Control Compliance with appointed 3rd party


FT were appointed as PD for this project.

Available positionsAll Careers

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Senior Environmental Engineer Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Engineer – Circular Economy Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Associate Director – Civil and Environmental Engineering Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Senior Environmental Scientist Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow
Project Environmental Scientist Circular Economy Cork, Dublin or Carlow